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I have always been slightly obsessed with trying to find these moments of “reality”. This has led me to both meditation and photography. There is nothing to think about in my photographs. They are the opposite of conceptual. I hope that they give people’s minds the space to rest, even if just for a moment.

Kimberly Poppe

what is reality


Kimberly (8 November 1974, Boston MA USA) has been immersed in Buddhist study and practice for the last 20 years. She has received personal instruction and training from some of the greatest Tibetan teachers of our time, and was encouraged to teach meditation. Kimberly leads meditation workshops and retreats around the world, including an annual gathering of top business leaders in Australia.


She is also the co-founder of bodhi, an international community started in Amsterdam and dedicated to bringing a clear mind and an open heart into every aspect of our lives. Born in America, Kimberly has been based in France for the past 15 years and recently moved to Amsterdam with her Italian husband.


She is also an accomplished photographer, bringing together meditation and creativity through the lens of her camera. Her images can be found in private collections around the world.



Below a selection of the photographs that Kimberly donates to Maratika. Kimberly is happy to make prints of any images found on her website.


Various sizes


 price: from US$ 125 + printing and shipping

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