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Find out more about Maratika Rinpoche and the Monastery on

The Maratika Monastery and community have been blessed with the presence of many high masters, who have a connection to this place of immortality, visit to deliver teachings or pray for the long life of their masters and all sentient beings. Currently Maratika Monastery is graced by the presence of two high lamas. 

Maratika Rinpoche

Ven. Ngawang Jigdral Chokyi Wangchuk Rinpoche, or Khenpo Karma Wangchuk, was born in Solukhumbu, Eastern Nepal. From young age he studied Buddhism with his father and founder of Maratika Monastery, Lama Ngawang Chophel Gyatso Rinpoche.


After completing advanced Buddhist studies, he was recognized and enthroned by His Holiness Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche (Supreme Head of Nyingmapa Buddhism) as the Lineage Holder of Maratika and the Abbot of Chimey Takten Choling Monastery in Halesi Khotang, Eastern Nepal.


As the Abbot of Maratika Monastery he resides between Maratika and Kathmandu where he gives teachings. He has previously also taught and lead retreats in North America, Asia and the far East.


In May 2017, Maratika Rinpoche visited the Netherlands and Spain, where he gave long-life teachings and spread the wisdom of Maratika caves and monastery among a large number of students.



H.H. Kyabje Trulshik Yangsi Rinpoche 

The reincarnation of His Holiness Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche was officially recognized by His Holiness the 4rth Dotrupchen Rinpoche.


Yangsi Rinpoche was born as the son of Maratika Rinpoche and mother Urgyen Dolma at Maratika, where every year Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche would stay for a 2-month retreat. 


Kyabje Trulshik Yangsi Rinpoche has now also been welcomed by the sangha of his main seat, the Dzarong Thupten Donga Choling Monastery, where  he did a brief enthronement ceremony. During this event many of his close disciples and more than 4 thousand devotees gathered and received blessings.


Yangsi Rinpoche is strongly connected to Maratika Monastery and is often there for visits and longer retreats. 

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